Join our Study Access Program
Offer clinical research as a care option
Our team previously built software for:
Offer the life-changing benefits of clinical research
Provide better care by building a better business
Offer new treatments
Your patients get access to cutting-edge treatments at zero cost to them
Keep your clinical workflow
We'll automatically send study information to patients you identify as relevant
Positive ROI on day one
Our service is free for most practices, and you can even earn revenue through chart review for some studies
A letter from our CEO:
Most companies send you a checklist of acronyms and inscrutable technical jargon and call it a day. While that information is important (see our Trust page), I want to share how we think more broadly about stewardship of your data, practice, and patients.
We take a counterintuitive approach: to require as little trust as possible.
While we're committed to earning your trust over time, we know we can't expect it on day one. That's why we rely on an even more powerful force: aligned incentives.