An overview of Novelcare


  • Trials offer meaningful options for your patients but it's difficult to keep track of what's available to whom

  • Novelcare is a free tool that does the hard work of finding relevant studies through its secure, HIPAA-compliant EMR integration

  • When the system needs your help to assess eligibility, Novelcare will pay you up to $200 per match review

Great healthcare providers know what options their patients have

Clinical trials offer dozens of options, but it's impossible to keep track of what's nearby and whether your patient is eligible for any of them.

Novelcare makes this possible. But really, we go further than that…

Novelcare makes it easy, financially lucrative, and dare we say fun?

Here's how it works: Our technology scans for nearby trials in disease areas relevant to your patient population. Then it compares those trials' criteria to the records in your EMR.

When it finds a potential match, a Match Report appears in the Novelcare Inbox. This puts the trial criteria and the patient's record together in one easy-to-read report for you to review.

Letting a patient know about a trial opportunity is as easy as clicking a button. We'll handle the rest.

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Free (forever) for community practices

Running a community-based practice is both more important and harder than ever. We charge practices with more than 1 million patients $100 per month per provider. If you have fewer patients than that, Novelcare will always be free for you.

View our pricing

You get paid fair market value for match review

You know your patient in ways we never could. Our system will sometimes need your input to evaluate their eligibility. In those cases, we'll pay you up to $200 per chart.

100% HIPAA-compliant and zero funny-business

Our platform goes above and beyond HIPAA's requirements to protect your patients, practice, and data. We don't sell, license, or otherwise expose your PHI to anyone, nor do we train models on it. In fact, when you sign up we'll sign a BAA that prevents us from doing any of that. If we wanted to expand the services we can offer based on PHI, we'd need you to sign a new BAA.

We're allowed to do only one thing with your PHI: help you find suitable trial opportunities.

Read more about Trust & Compliance